
FX Initiative Blog

Actionable insights on foreign exchange risk management from FX Initiative.

Conquering Currency Risk Management

Conquering currency risk management involves identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing various foreign exchange (FX) exposures, and developing and implementing a coordinated and systematic plan that utilizes company resources efficiently and effectively to mitigate and optimize FX risk. An important part of mitigating FX risk is hedging exposures such as revenues, expenses, receivables, payables, assets, liabilities, and equity.

The degree to which companies implement adequate foreign exchange risk management practices can vary substantially, from not managing the risk at all to engaging in robust hedging activities. As a result, the FX impact on the bottom line can vary widely across organizations.

Global companies face questions including, but not limited to: How to manage currency risk? How to draft a FX risk policy? Where to look for FX risk exposures? What currency risks to hedge and how? Which strategies meet FX hedge objectives? What are the economics? How to do FX accounting? That's a lot of questions! It's time to take the FX Initiative!

FX Initiative's foreign exchange risk management training starts with watching our online video series about:

  1. Foreign Exchange (FX) Market Overview
  2. FX Risk Exposures
  3. FX Risk Management
  4. FX Spot & Derivatives
  5. Hedging FX Transactions
  6. Hedging Foreign Subsidiaries

Then, review and test with quizzes and CPE exams, and reinforce learning using real examples with our:

FX Initiative training is available 24/7 365 to help you with FX risk policies, FX accounting, FX hedging strategies, FX risk management, and more.

Are you ready to manage FX risk? Become a FX Initiative subscriber today and access our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Managing FX risk has become a higher priority for many firms in 2025 and it is now easier than ever to learn the fundamentals of currency risk management. Make this the year to reduce FX risk and reap rewards abroad by taking the FX Initiative for your international business today!

Prioritizing FX Risk Policies & Procedures (Video)

Prioritizing FX Risk Policies & Procedures (Video): Learn the importance of a foreign exchange (FX) risk management policy and explore how firms such as Apple put formal plans into place. This video is a preview of FX Initiative’s FX Risk Management course as part of Learning Objective #2.


To learn more, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at


Tracking FX Transaction Types (Video)

Tracking FX Transaction Types (Video): Explore the 4 kinds of FX transactions using Apple as an example.  This video is a preview of FX Initiative’s FX Risk Exposures course as part of Learning Objective #1.


To learn more, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at


Clarifying Currency Quoting Conventions

Clarifying Currency Quoting Conventions (Video): Distinguish the difference between direct and indirect currency quotations. This video is a preview of FX Initiative’s FX Market Overview course as part of Learning Objective #2.


To learn more, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at


Webinar Training & Workshops

FX Initiative cordially invites you to attend our 6 part webinar series titled “Mastering Currency Risk Management.” To complement our self-study video training, these sessions are designed address common FX strategies and challenges global organizations encounter when managing currency risk. Each live webinar is eligible for CPE credit, and offers the ability to interact with the instructor, engage with the audience through real time polling questions, and participate in question and answer segments.

FX Risk Management Webinar Series

Mastering Currency Risk
Learn the fundamentals of corporate foreign exchange risk management.

FX Risk Management Policies
Learn how to draft a corporate foreign exchange risk management policy.

FX Forward Contracts
Learn what forward contracts are and why they are the most used derivative.

Balance Sheet Hedging
Learn how to hedge FX receivables & payables and mitigate gains & losses.

Cash Flow Hedging
Learn how to hedge and account for forecasted FX revenues & expenses.

Net Investment Hedging
Learn how to hedge assets & equity in foreign subsidiaries operating abroad.

Whether you are interested in a timely session related to recent developments impacting the foreign exchange market or would like a scheduled approach to start learning FX risk management, our live webinar sessions are designed to help you solve unique FX risk management challenges that are not otherwise addressed in our video based programs. Explore our Events page to register and learn more about the learning objectives covered in our educational webinar series titled “Mastering Currency Risk Management.”

White Label Web Applications

FX Initiative's white label web applications are designed to help treasury professionals and FX sales teams with a wide variety of foreign exchange (FX) risk management challenges and opportunities. Whether you are creating a FX risk policy or analyzing economic and accounting scenarios, our risk models and strategy simulations share best practices in easily understandable formats.

Examples include:

  • FX Risk Policy
  • FX Terms Glossary
  • ISO Currency Codes
  • Foreign Subsidiaries
  • FX Revenues
  • FX Expenses
  • FX Receivables
  • FX Payables
  • FX Spot Transactions
  • FX Forward Contracts
  • FX Option Contracts
  • FX Zero Cost Collars


Our white label web applications are branded with the client's logo and embedded as an iframe into the client's website. An iframe is one of the most convenient HTML structures, and is an embedded window on the client’s web page that shows content hosted on FX Initiative’s servers. In 4 simple steps, our solutions can be deployed on the client's website quickly and easily with minimal technology resources.

Learn More

FX Risk Management Training Topics

FX Initiative offers access to our online Learning Center for paid training and free content to help your company conquer corporate currency risk management. Explore our FX articles, videos, courses, tools, and webinars. Our goal is to help sharpen your FX skills, contribute to your professional development, and add to your firm’s performance and profitability.

Explore FX Learning Center >

Whether you are new to foreign exchange or a seasoned professional, continue following FX Initiative for your FX risk management formula. To learn more, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at

Following the FX Global Code

Following the FX Global Code: The FX Global Code explains the set of global principles of good practice in the foreign exchange (FX) market, and was introduced by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Markets Committee in May 2017. To date, over 500 market participants have signed Statements of Commitment to the FX Global Code.

The FX Global Code aligns with the foreign exchange (FX) risk management best practices FX Initiative teaches to FX market participants, including FX sales teams and treasury professionals. The goal of the FX Global Code is to promote fairness in FX trading, and FX Initiative encourages our audience to learn about and benefit from the code in 2023.


Ready to learn more about FX risk management best practices? Start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at

FX Risk Management Maturity Model

Foreign exchange (FX) risk management involves identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing various foreign currency exposures, and developing and implementing a coordinated and systematic plan that utilizes company resources efficiently and effectively to mitigate FX risk.

The degree to which companies implement adequate foreign exchange risk management practices can vary substantially, from not managing the risk at all to engaging in robust hedging activities, and as a result, the impact on the bottom line can vary widely across organizations.

This FX Risk Management Maturity Model outlines the 5 stages of a comprehensive currency risk management program. The process involves performing a FX risk assessment, developing a FX risk management policy, and implementing progressive FX hedging strategies.

5 Stage FX Risk Management Maturity Model

  1. FX Risk Assessment: Exposure Identification & Measurement
  2. FX Risk Management Policy: Hedging Guidelines & Procedures
  3. Balance Sheet Hedging: Booked Receivables & Payables
  4. Cash Flow Hedging: Forecasted Revenues & Expenses
  5. Net Investment Hedging: Subsidiary Earnings & Equity

The design and implementation of a FX risk management program must take into account the specific goals and objectives of the firm, the organizational structure and operations, the line of products and/or services, and any other variable that may be material and of relevance.

For firms that are new to foreign exchange risk management, emphasis should be placed on progress over perfection. Initial risk management plans are never perfect, and should be viewed as a process that is responsive to change and capable of continuous enhancement.

To learn more about FX risk assessments, policies, and hedging strategies, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at

Mapping Currencies Across Countries

Mapping Currencies Across Countries: It is evident that no one single world currency exists. There are over 180 currencies recognized as legal tender in circulation throughout the world. The most widely used list of currencies is known as ISO 4217, which is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization or the ISO. The ISO is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations, and the ISO 4217 currency codes shown in this interactive map are used in banking and business globally.

While many of us are familiar with the “Major” currencies, which include the euro, British pound sterling, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, United States dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, and Japanese yen, there are so many more currencies to explore. This interactive map helps you explore the world through the lens of currency. All 180 currencies in circulation are mapped using geographic coordinates and ISO 4217 currency codes. Simply click on the dots on the map to reveal the ISO 4217 currency code, currency name, country.

To learn more about conquering currency risk, start your FX risk management training today, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples & events at


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