FX Initiative Blog

Actionable insights on foreign exchange risk management from FX Initiative.

FX Initiative
FX Initiative
FX Initiative's Blog

Attend the FX Risk Management webinar!

Program Overview

This FX Risk Management webinar will address the fundamentals of corporate foreign exchange (FX) risk management. We begin with an overview of how leading multinational corporations manage foreign exchange risk. We will then address how FX risk impacts a corporation’s financial statements, including the Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and we will also highlight common disclosures found in annual reports (10-K). Furthermore, we’ll examine key terminology related to FX risk management, and define terms such as FX transaction, translation and economic risk. Finally, we will look at the essential elements of a world class corporate FX risk management program, with a focus on personnel, operations, resources, and policy. The goal of this program is to help global corporations understand the importance of FX risk management and how to assess their foreign exchange risk profile using a structured analysis framework.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover how leading multinational corporations manage foreign exchange (FX) risk.
    Explore FX risks on the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and in annual reports (10-K).
    Recognize common FX terminology such as transaction, translation and economic risk.
    Identify essential elements of a world class corporate FX risk management program.
    Who Should Attend?

    New and seasoned finance, accounting, treasury, and related professionals (CPA, CIA, CRMA, CFE, etc.) interested in international business.

We look forward to your participation in this live program on Thursday, April 26 2018. Simply click here to register for the presentation!



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