
FX Initiative Blog

Actionable insights on foreign exchange risk management from FX Initiative.

FX Initiative
FX Initiative
FX Initiative's Blog

FX Forward Contract Fundamentals

Would you like to learn the fundamentals of FX forward contracts? FX Initiative’s FX Forward Contracts webinar covers long and short FX positions, forward point premiums and discounts, and the payoff profile of a forward contract using real world examples that show the economic impact on cash flows and accounting entries in the financial statements. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Cash Flow Hedge Considerations

Are you curious about “cash flow” hedge considerations? FX Initiative’s Cash Flow Hedging webinar covers corporate best practices and case studies on hedging forecasted FX transactions, and walks you through pros and cons public and private companies can consider when deciding whether or not to elect “cash flow” hedge accounting treatment. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Learn FX Balance Sheet Hedging Basics

Would you like to learn FX balance sheet hedging basics? FX Initiative’s Balance Sheet Hedging webinar walks you through common FX asset, liability and equity accounts on the balance sheet, the mark-to-market or fair value accounting process and the ways firms can minimize the income statement impact of fluctuating FX rates using derivatives. Upon completion of this program, Fortune 500 companies and small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) alike will learn best practices for optimizing and adjusting balance sheet hedges that can help mitigate the impact of fluctuating FX rates and stabilize periodic reported earnings. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Practice Pricing FX Derivatives

Would you like to practice pricing FX derivatives? The FX Derivative Speculator is a risk modeling tool you can use to compare and contrast pricing variables and payoff profiles of FX derivatives to analyze the economic impact on cash flows and the financial reporting implications under virtually any FX rate scenario. This customizable and interactive web application quickly and easily demonstrates how higher and lower interest rates determine the forward rate, how the upfront premium of an option is priced and accounted for, and how a zero cost collar blends characteristics of forwards and options. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



FX Strategies for Foreign Subsidiaries

Would you like to optimize FX strategies for foreign subsidiaries? FX Initiative’s Hedging Foreign Subsidiaries course outlines the fundamentals of hedging net income and net investment exposures in foreign subsidiaries, and reveals the cash flow and financial reporting implications of hedging FX translation risk with currency derivatives. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Learn the Language of FX Risk Management

Ready to learn the language of FX risk management? FX Initiative’s FX Terms Glossary will teach you the key terms and definitions related to FX risk management. Newcomers and seasoned professionals alike can leverage this online dictionary to clarify the conversation, and develop a working vocabulary of important and frequently encountered concepts concerning foreign currency. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training>



Identify The Top Two FX Hedge Objectives

Ready to optimize your firm’s FX hedge objectives? FX Initiative’s Hedging FX Transactions course covers best practices employed by Fortune 500 companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for achieving the top two FX hedge objectives, illustrated in detail with real world economic and accounting examples. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



How to Test FX Transactions & Hedge Strategies

Ready to learn how to test FX transactions & hedge strategies? FX Initiative’s Foreign Exchange Transaction Simulator is a risk modeling tool that illustrates common FX exposures such as revenues, expenses, receivables and payables. The result is a detailed and interactive FX risk analysis that charts the economic payoff of a hedge strategy along with accounting journal entries and references to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This tool serves to simplify the risk analysis process for you so you can focus on the practical bottom line impact to your global business. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Discover the Different Types of FX Derivatives

Do you want to discover the different types of FX derivatives in detail? FX Initiative’s FX Spot & Derivatives course will help you distinguish the different type of FX derivatives firms employ to effectively hedge FX risk. This program provides a comparative analysis of FX derivatives with simulated examples to demonstrate the instruments your firm can use. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



Identify Internal Controls for FX Risk Management

Interested in identifying internal controls for FX risk management? FX Initiative’s FX Risk Policy Drafter tool will help your firm establish internal controls by appointing personnel to the roles of trading, accounting, and confirmation, and specifying the individual responsibilities that fall under each segregated duty. Get started with our foreign exchange risk management training, which provides 24/7 365 access to our complete suite of foreign exchange (FX) continuing professional education (CPE), examples and events at Start Training >



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